Artist Spotlight - Bobby Chiu

All Images the right and property of ©Bobby Chiu, or the individual copyright holder.  Reach out to Bobby ChiuArtstationEmail, Facebook.

"Bobby’s art career started at the age of two with a box of crayons and his family’s white living room walls. He got his first professional art job at the age of seventeen, designing Disney, Warner Bros., and Star Wars toys. Bobby has since won a number of awards for his independent work and is featured perennially in various juried art annuals and magazines. He presently works in concept and character design, teaches digital painting online at, publishes art books, and works on other top secret projects that we’re not allowed to talk about.

What Bobby loves most about being an independent artist: "I’m in full control over what I do. I can pick and choose the projects that seem fun and which interest me. If none are on my plate, I can create my own projects and do what I love all day long. I work longer and harder now than I ever did before but it’s great because it’s on my own terms. The satisfaction I get from that is indescribable."

Bobby currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada. He once skipped out on his own birthday party to catch the season premiere of "Breaking Bad". There are still lots of doodles on his desk and walls."