Artist Spotlight - Serge "Papa Ninja" Birault

All Images the right and property of ©Serge Birault AKA “Papa Ninja”, or the individual copyright holder.  Reach out to Serge Birault.: EmailFacebook.

We’re giddy about this addition to our master artist category. Serge “Papa Ninja” Birault is a freelance digital artist currently residing in Toulouse, France. Serge has been illustrating some of the most incredible pin-up style digital masterpieces for close to 20 years as of the time of this post. He found inspiration early on from the likes of Hajime Sorayama and Gil Elvgen whom Serge considered to be one of the best pin-up artists the world has ever seen.

From the signature tentacle pieces Serge is known for, you’d never suspect that he studied, not art, but law. Incredible. Here at FableHatch, we’re thrilled that in the end, Mr. Birault chose to be an artist over a lawyer. The art world is so much better off for it, and let’s be honest - we have enough lawyers.